Small Grants Fund

Welcome To Our Future Herefordshire Worcestershire Shropshire Telford WrekinIn 2023 WTOF  introduced a small fund to support local community groups and organizations with expenditure on projects which promote the objectives of the charity. The main objective was to engage people in matters relating to conservation, protection and enhancement of the environment, and the promotion of sustainable development at local level.
For instance it could be something that schools are doing to engage pupils in awareness of environmental issues (climate change, pollution, wildlife, food production). Perhaps there is a space which would benefit from some conservation, restoration or enhancement of natural habitats, and facilities for people to enjoy such areas and so improve their own well-being. The list is really not exhaustive!

In 2024 to 25, we will be offering additional grants of up to a maximum of £200.
Organisations should be based in the Vale of Evesham and grants must be of benefit to the public in those areas. All beneficiaries should hold a branded bank account.

For more information and to request an application form please email , or download the application form via the link:


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